University of Murcia
University of Murcia
C.Campus Universitario, 11· 30100 · Murcia
Géographie et Aménagement IGARUN
Histoire-Histoire de l'Art et Archéologie
collectifs_d_unitiativesEUniWell - SEED FUNDING CALL

Diffusion and knowledge of the Past: how understand the present by approaching the future

5 personnes
We are looking for partners with common interests in archaeological heritage and its dissemination attending four fundamental items: research, protection, and dissemination by enhancing the humanistic and civic aspects of History and Archaeology with a view to promoting development of critical thinking and the values ​​of tolerance and diversity and dynamizing agents of local development (municipalities, associations) and depopulated places.


-Faculties of Humanities 

-University students

-Heritage and tourism managers.

-People interested in history and cultural and natural heritage.

-Dynamizing agents of local development (municipalities, associations)

Objectifs visés

-We are looking for partners with common interests in archaeological heritage and its dissemination attending four fundamental items: research, protection, and dissemination.

-We want to to recognize the role of local communities in the management of heritage and preservation of geographical regions

-We want to give visibility to heritage.

-Aim of this project is to improve a comprehensive, critical thought and a full access to information on archaeological and cultural legacy by the traditional media and network media as a way to express public interest.

Démarche mise en œuvre

-Work visits to the archaeological sites

-Discussion meetings about dissemination, knowledge and transmission of the results to society will be shared.

-Workshops and seminars will be celebrated by partner universities 

Ressources mobilisées


-Sharing research infraestructure

-Developing research support for:




-Websites and audiovisual resources and online materials  to disseminate informations.

Bilan et perspectives

-Creation of permanent forums in order to improve comunication and dissemination strategy

-Creation of permanent ties, links and partnership of collaboration 

-Development strategy for:

-Protection and dissemination of heritage

-Empowerment of local areas

-Enhancing the humanistic and civic aspects of History and Archaeology with a view to promoting development of critical thinking and the values ​​of tolerance and diversity.

Porteur de l'initiative

Molina Gómez , José Antonio