Università degli Studi di Firenze
Università degli Studi di Firenze
P.zza S.Marco, 4 - 50121 Firenze
Università degli studi Firenze
collectifs_d_unitiativesEUniWell - SEED FUNDING CALL

Active hope - wellbeing and climate crisis

60 personnes
The current planetary ecological crisis challenges individuals and societies. As the situation gets worse, there are danger to personal well being and mental health. In their book "Active hope" , scholar and activist JOanna Macy with Chris Johnstone have developed an effective approach to reduce the stress related to bad news coming from the climate crisis, while enhancing the capacity of individuals and to act constructively in order to address the crisis. The project aims to device experiential trainings based on the Active hope approach and measure its effectiveness both as an empowerment tool and as a way to protect wellbeing in difficult times.


FAculty, administrative staff and students are invited to a workshop series ( 1 in each partner university and 1 international workshop.Approximately 20 persons will participate in each workshop.  

Objectifs visés

Objectives of the project are:  1. reduce stress induced by the current ecological crisis  ; 2. contribute to climate activism by offering participants the tools developed by Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone 3. assess the effectiveness of the "Active hope" approach encouraging a dialogue between different scientific and activist communities. 

Démarche mise en œuvre

Each university will organize an "active hope" experiential training. Participants will be called to impement specific actions to address the climate crisis and foster the "Great turning" at local level. The proponents will develop metrics to assess the impact of the training on attitudes and capabilities of participants. 

Ressources mobilisées

EUniwell financial resources; national networks of "Active hope" and "Work that reconnects" trainings and practitioners

Bilan et perspectives

  A final evaluation of the project will be made boh in quantitative (metrics on wellbeing and empowerment) and qualitative terms (results of the action projects, subjective view on the training events by participants).  


Porteurs de l'initiative