Università degli Studi di Firenze
Università degli Studi di Firenze
P.zza S.Marco, 4 - 50121 Firenze
Università degli studi Firenze
collectifs_d_unitiativesEUniWell - SEED FUNDING CALL

Learning form the pandemic. Medical and healthcare students facing with resilience and new educational challenges. Sharing positive experiences towards a new normal

Healthcare professions students, trainees and medical residents have been heavily impacted across Europe by COVID-19 pandemic, as well as education and training of the future medical workforce. The psychological and physical burden (stress, burnout and mental wellbeing), the disruption of the training experiences, the impact of poor safety provision and the lack of training in PPE, the experience of altered working pattern as well as the one of being suddenly deployed to aid the COVID response, are only some of the challenges that have been faced by medical residents and healthcare professions students. These unprecedented times can offer the opportunity to question about how best to move forward. Building a European network of healthcare professions students and medical residents can help with sharing experiences, supporting each other and finding positive strategies towards a new normal in education, training and future professions.


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Bilan et perspectives

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Porteur de l'initiative