Centre de Développement Pédagogique
Centre de Développement Pédagogique
23 Rue Recteur Schmitt, 44300 Nantes, France

Exploring new Territories in Academic Development

EUniHuLi - "Instilling “Human Literacy” into our Educational Processes"
The EuniHuLi project is part from the EUniWell projects. (European University of Well Being) ! As part of this project, with our partners, we explore new areas of educational development linked to the inclusive approach and Human Literacy, a concept that "puts human beings at the heart of our entreprise, and has a focus on lifelong learning and celebrating diversity." Our first meeting is the 30th of november and the University of Birmingham, organize it. If you want to join us or have any question, please contact us! https://www.euniwell.eu/participate/call-for-joint-projects/projects-of-the-first-seed-funding-call


Porteur de l'initiative