Linneaus University
Linneaus University
P G Vejdes väg, 351 95 Växjö, Suède
Linnaeus University

Climate Change for students without pre-requisite knowledge

This is a web-based course in Climate Change for students without pre-requisite knowledge. The course is aimed at narrowing the gap between active research and young generations and citizens instilling capabilities to interpret the debate.

Context and proposal


"The complexity and skepticism of knowledge – for research to reach out. How can we ensure that professionals are updated in their respective field regardless of where in the country they are based and what resources they have? This is an example of making higher education accessible for larger numbers.  

This is a web-based course in Climate Change for students without pre-requisite knowledge. The course is aimed at narrowing the gap between active research and young generations and citizens instilling capabilities to interpret the debate. The course took inspiration from Greta by only using first hand references as research papers in English as course literature. We based the course on 10 design principles for web-based learning and the course was designed and taught by 5 professors and 2 associate professors who are very experienced and all actively involved in research in the field. The course was given in autumn 2020 and very appreciated by students and the course team received higher education didactic coaching for planning the course."


Porteur de l'initiative

Linda Reneland

Du même collectif